Combating Pet Hair on Hardwood Floors: Effective Cleaning Strategies

Numerous households opt for hardwood flooring due to its durability and easy cleaning. However, the situation may differ if you have a dog roaming freely within the house.

While we cherish having our furry companions around, coping with the scattered shedding of their hair can be quite a nuisance. We’ve compiled a list of tips on the most effective methods for removing dog hair from hardwood floors and the essential tools required for the task.

Combating Pet Hair on Hardwood Floors

Removing all the dog hair from your hardwood floor can pose a challenge, especially with high-shedding breeds. The encouraging news is that various tools are available to simplify your task, if not make it entirely effortless.

Rubber Broom and Dustpan

A rubber broom is unparalleled in its ability to lift dog hair from hardwood floors. Using a rubber broom allows you to corral dog hair into one area, making it easy to collect and dispose of using a dustpan. The rubber broom features an integrated squeegee with bristles that glide smoothly along the back of its head. Despite its rubber construction, the head maintains enough rigidity to effectively move dog hair across your floor. This tool is particularly handy for tackling stubborn hair clinging to hardwood surfaces. However, it’s essential to have a dustpan on hand because the broom bristles accumulate hair without collecting them. They push the hair into a pile, which can then be transferred to a dustpan and discarded. After each sweeping session, you’ll need to remove any lint and hair stuck to the bristles, and thanks to its rubber composition, a quick rinse is all it takes.

MicroFiber Dust Mop

A microfiber dust mop leverages static electricity to attract both dog hair and dirt particles efficiently. This type of mop, featuring a microfiber cover, not only excels at collecting dog hair but is also simple to clean. Tossing it into the washer is all it takes to restore the mop to its pristine condition. While it can be laundered multiple times, it’s important to note that using standard laundry soap and hot water may harm its adhesive membrane. For optimal results, consider using a small amount of cleaning solution or dampening the pad with water before mopping the floors. If the mop pad becomes excessively soiled during mopping, it can also be used in its dry state.

Hardwood Floor Cleaner and Polish

While plain water may suffice for routine debris, a more potent combination of tools is required to effectively gather stubborn dog hair. To preserve and enhance your floor, incorporating floor polish or a hardwood floor cleaner into your mopping routine may be beneficial. Opt for a non-toxic hardwood cleaner free from harmful chemicals, suitable for regular use. Following a thorough cleaning, employ a floor polisher to condition the floor. This not only restores the wood’s luster but also minimizes the frequency of mopping. Nevertheless, regular vacuuming or sweeping is essential to pick up any lingering dog hair.

Dryer Sheets

A fast and effortless method for removing dog fur from hardwood floors involves the use of dryer sheets. Similar to a microfiber mop, dryer sheets generate an electrostatic force that attracts and collects dog hair from the floor. These sheets are coated with a blend of lubricants, liquid softeners, and fragrances. By running the dryer sheet along the floor, the dog fur adheres to it. Subsequently, you can easily discard the accumulated hair and reuse the dryer sheets. They retain their effectiveness for several uses before diminishing in performance.

Pet Hair Vacuum Cleaner

Using formulas containing chemicals from dryer sheets and floor polishers daily is not advisable, as these chemicals can cause degradation to hardwood when used frequently. On the flip side, neglecting regular cleaning can result in a buildup of dog hair on the floor, making it challenging to remove. Unlike chemical cleaners, vacuuming, especially with a pet vacuum cleaner, won’t harm your hardwood floor even with daily use. While a traditional vacuum cleaner with a hardwood floor attachment can also be used, clearing hair and clogs from the vacuum may prove more challenging. A pet vacuum is designed for this specific purpose, being lightweight, easy to use, and effective in addressing pet-related cleaning needs.

Minimize Dog Hair on Hardwood Floors

Regardless of the cleaning technique employed, capturing every last bit of dog fur from the floor is always a challenge. To maintain a clean hardwood floor, the most effective approach is to prevent dog hair from accumulating on it. Here are some tips to minimize the presence of dog hair on hardwood floors:

Air Filter

Setting up air filters at home stands out as one of the most effective solutions to combat dog hair on hardwood floors. Beyond enhancing air quality and circulation, air filters also capture stray dog hair scattered throughout the house. These devices contribute to air purification by trapping harmful bacteria and pet dander, potential culprits for allergies. Certain air filters utilize ultraviolet germicidal rays for air purification, while others leverage advanced technology to eliminate contaminants from the air. HEPA filters, composed of plastic fibers, are recognized as particularly efficient in removing pollen, dander, and airborne particles from the air.

Clean Regularly

To reduce pet hair accumulation, maintaining a regular cleaning routine is essential. Establishing a consistent cleaning schedule in your home prevents loose fur from accumulating, facilitating the upkeep of a clean and fresh environment. Utilize the steps and tools outlined above on a weekly basis to ensure the cleanliness of your hardwood floors. This proactive approach not only minimizes the spread of unwanted hair throughout the house but also prevents it from being tracked into areas that have already been cleaned by both occupants and pets.

Pet Grooming Regularly

Not all breeds require weekly baths, but almost all should undergo grooming once or twice a week. Breeds with high-maintenance coats, such as Akita, poodle, and Afghan Hound, require daily grooming due to their susceptibility to matting. Failure to groom your dog regularly can result in a coat filled with knots and tangles, which can scatter when brushed. Regular brushing effectively removes loose hair, preventing the formation of untreated and challenging-to-untangle mats. Additionally, routine grooming promotes a shiny and attractive coat while fostering positive behavior in your pet. Apart from home grooming, it’s essential to take your dog to a professional groomer every three to four months, depending on the breed. Professional groomers are well-versed in the specific requirements of each breed and tailor their grooming practices accordingly. In tropical climates, especially during hot summers, consider having your dog clipped for added comfort.

Healthy Diet

Providing a well-rounded diet rich in fats, vitamins, minerals, and protein is crucial for maintaining the appearance and strength of your dog’s coat. Ensure that your dog’s diet includes fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. Since a dog’s coat is predominantly composed of protein, incorporating a protein-rich diet can promote coat health and reduce shedding. Including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in your dog’s diet is essential for skin nourishment and coat protection. Adequate water intake is also vital to prevent shedding caused by dehydration. While many dog breeds and sizes can share a similar diet, the daily nutrient intake should be customized based on each dog’s lifestyle and metabolism. Similarly, the caloric requirements vary for each breed. Before devising a diet plan for your dog, it is advisable to consult with a veterinarian or a pet nutritionist to determine breed-specific nutritional needs.

Keep Roller and Pet Remover Tool Handy

Dealing with pet hair can be a daunting task, and some individuals postpone cleaning until the floor shows visible dirt. However, this may not be the most effective approach, as large accumulations of dog hair can be more challenging to clean. Keeping a pet hair remover readily available allows you to maintain your hardwood floor without letting it reach a point where extensive cleaning becomes necessary.


While the constant presence of a dog can be uplifting, it comes with the downside of dealing with dog hair throughout the house. Shedding is a common occurrence in all breeds, including those considered “hairless” like the Chinese Crested Dog. Despite common beliefs, achieving a home relatively free from pet hair is attainable, even with breeds that shed the most. By implementing appropriate preventive measures and maintaining regular cleaning, removing pet hair from your hardwood floors and the entire home can be easily managed.

Jeffrey Bergan

Jeffrey Bergan is the founder of Soothing LifeStyle. He is from Los Angeles and has a passion for building and maintaining homes. He started this project based on his experience of building a cottage in Los Angeles. He used hardwood flooring for the most part of the house and used other types of flooring for special places like washrooms, basement, and porch. He made his choices after extensive research. It was when he was working on that cottage and had to choose from different types of floorings, he realized that there was a need for proper guidance for that which led him to launch this project.

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